Substrates & reagents for research

Cell Culture Substrates MatriMix series

3D culture substrate MatriMix (511)

MatriMix (511) is a 3D culture substrate developed for cell culture in an in vivo-like environment. By combining collagen, recombinant human laminin-511 E8 fragment, and hyaluronic acid, it provides an extracellular environment suitable for the culture of various types of cells.

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MatriMix for PDX

MatriMix for PDX is a substrate for mouse transplantation consisting of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and laminin 511E8, and is designed as a patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model by suspending an equal volume of patient-derived cancer cells mixed in the medium.

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Brightase series

Brightase series are highly purified, highly stable, endotoxin free, and animal derived components free.


Brightase-C contains a recombinant collagenase produced by Brevibacillus expression system*. It is highly purified, highly stable, endotoxin-free (≤10 EU/mg), and animal-derived components free, and has higher collagenolytic active for cutting type VI collagen than Clostridium histolyticum collagenase.
Since the product doesn’t contain neutral proteinase, we recommend the concomitant use with Brightase-TH for separating cells or separating pancreatic islet. 

Brightase-C contains a recombinant collagenase produced by Brevibacillus expression system *. It is highly purified, highly stable, endotoxin-free (≤10 EU/mg), and animal-derived components free, and has higher collagenolytic active for cutting type VI collagen than Clostridium histolyticum collagenase.
Since the product doesn’t contain neutral proteinase, we recommend the concomitant use with Brightase-TH for separating cells or separating pancreatic islet.

For details
*Organism of origin: Grimontia hollisae
Recombinant production in: Brevibacillus chosinensis

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Brightase-TH contains recombinant thermolysin produced by Brevibacillus expression system *. It is highly purified, highly stable, endotoxin-free (≤10 EU/mg), and animal derived components free. Since the product doesn’t contain neutral proteinase, we recommend the concomitant use with Brightase-TH for separating cells or separating pancreatic islet.

For details
*Organism of origin: Bacillus thermoproteolyticus rokko
Recombinant production in: Brevibacillus chosinensis

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NP-Collagenase is a recombinant collagenase produced using the Brevibacillus expression system. It can be used to collect cells and organoids embedded in MatriMix series.